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Liver Health

As the body’s largest solid internal organ, your liver is your body’s primary filtration system. Every day, it handles everything from environmental toxins to natural byproducts from your body’s own processes. This 24/7 cleanup crew keeps your system running smoothly and helps you feel your best.

The liver deals with daily toxins from multiple sources:

  • Environmental exposure through air, food, and water, including various chemicals and pollutants that we encounter in our daily lives
  • Natural metabolic byproducts that our bodies produce through normal functioning, similar to how a car produces exhaust while it’s running

A Metabolic Powerhouse

Your liver has a remarkable ability to multitask, as it doesn’t just handle toxins. Each day, it makes bile so you can digest fats, stores vitamins and minerals for when you need them, keeps your blood sugar steady, and creates proteins that help your blood clot. Incredibly, your liver performs over 500 vital functions to keep you healthy.

Your Liver’s Three-Phase Detox Process

Daily, your liver follows a three-step process to keep your body clean and healthy:

Phase 1: Initial Processing

We take in those substances that are lethal to the body or dangerous, package them and get them out of circulation.

Phase 2: Conversion to Water-Soluble Compounds

During this phase, your liver attaches a compound to these substances, so instead of being fat soluble, they become water soluble so that your body can more easily eliminate them.

Phase 3: Elimination of Toxins

In this final stage, your liver packages up these transformed toxins and sends them out through various exit routes—primarily through urine and stool, with some leaving through sweat.

Does Your Liver Need Attention?

Your liver’s health directly impacts how you feel day to day. Common signs that your liver might need support include:

  • Unexplained fatigue and low energy levels
  • Digestive discomfort or changes in digestion
  • Skin changes or hormone imbalances

Get the Support Your Liver Needs

Give your liver the critical support it requires to function optimally. Contact Morris Spine & Sport today to book an appointment with Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner Dr. Randi Case.



Care for Liver Health Morristown, NJ | (973) 285-0888