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happy active woman outdoorsMenopause, which usually occurs in women between 45-55, is a profoundly personal time of transition—no two experience it the same way. Hormonal changes can begin as early as your 30s and 40s, often affecting your well-being during an already demanding phase of life.

Ideally, estrogen and progesterone should remain steady and then drop off at menopause, allowing us to transition smoothly into the next stage of life. But what actually happens is quite different. Just when life is at its busiest—caring for aging parents, managing a career, watching your kids get married, or welcoming grandchildren—our hormones fluctuate the most.
Dr. Randi Case

At Root Cause Functional Medicine, we recognize the challenges that come with these changes, and we’re here to help you navigate them with confidence and ease.

Common Symptoms and Their Impact

Hormonal fluctuations, particularly in estrogen and progesterone levels, can trigger various physical and emotional changes. Some of the most common experiences include:

  • Hot flashes and night sweats that can disrupt sleep patterns and daily activities, making it challenging to maintain your usual routine
  • Memory changes that may affect your work performance and daily tasks, causing unnecessary stress and anxiety
  • Hair thinning and mood shifts that can impact your confidence and emotional well-being
  • Physical discomfort that might interfere with your regular activities and relationships

The Functional Medicine Approach

Instead of merely treating symptoms (that’s a bandage approach), functional medicine identifies and addresses the root causes of your menopausal challenges. We examine how your body’s systems interact and create a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your specific needs and lifestyle.

Our approach focuses on supporting your body’s natural hormonal balance through targeted interventions. We work with you to develop strategies that minimize discomfort and optimize your well-being during this transition, helping you maintain your active lifestyle and emotional balance.

Navigate Menopause Comfortably and Confidently

Get personalized solutions for managing menopause symptoms while restoring your vitality and well-being. Contact Root Cause Functional Medicine Center today to schedule an evaluation with Dr. Case.


Menopause Morristown, Madison, Morris Plains, Mendham and Cedar Knolls NJ | (973) 285-0888